Award-winning Fear Specialist. "KAY THE DOG BOSS" presents


A video that gaurantees success.

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Maybe you have a rescued dog or they've developed fears right in front of your eyes. Doesn't matter how old or how long they've been in fear for. Get ready for unexpected breakthroughs and game changing insights as we dive into easy to apply solutions that will transform your dogs life. As an award-winning certified dog trainer/ fear specialist, award winning dog groomer specializing in extreme fear, reactivity and anxiety in dogs, I've seen it all. I'm here to share with you the TOP 5 MAJOR MISTAKES that are keeping your rescued/ fearful dog trapped in their fear.

Showcased in this hands on training guide video you will be able to ....

Identify and avoid the most common mistakes that are hindering your dog's progress as we speak

Make easy-to-do adjustments that leads to rapid transformations in your dog's behavior

Absorb expert knowledge and guidance from a fear specialist backed with years of success stories and experience with fear and anxiety

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100% Guaranteed!

Your dog's happiness is priceless. For only $7, gain life-changing training and expert tips. With our 30-day money-back guarantee, there's no risk—only rewards!

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No Risk Guarantee!

With our 30-day money-back guarantee, there's no risk—only rewards!

Nadia Fung

I did not recognize my own dog suddenly acting calm and like it was the most casual thing in the world?! Kay anticipated his every move and reaction BEFORE he reacted and nailed it each time. It's like she was able to look into his soul or something. I never realized how much the approach matters and this universal unspoken dog language that exists. She taught us how to speak to stop his triggers before they happen!

Brandon Maki

You just cannot beat this level of expertise, especially at her prices

Lisa smith

Ali had her vet appointment today and she was amazing. The Dr. said "you trained her so well" he wanted to know who u were. How did i here of u etc...he said Ali was incredible!!

Tiffany R.

She has a gift with animals. I've never seen anything like it.

What Our Customers Say

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I did not recognize my own dog suddenly acting calm and like it was the most casual thing in the world?! Kay anticipated his every move and reaction BEFORE he reacted and nailed it each time. It's like she was able to look into his soul or something. I never realized how much the approach matters and this universal unspoken dog language that exists. She taught us how to speak to stop his triggers before they happen!

-Nadia F.

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You just cannot beat this level of expertise, especially at her prices

-Brandon Maki

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